F-Words Training Project Summary: Functioning, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future CanChild’s ‘F‐words for Child Development’ offer a fresh way for everyone to look at health. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) concepts, they present a holistic, strengths‐based, function‐promoting, family‐centred approach to child health. These ideas have captured the attention of [...]
A New Family-centered Ecological Model in Autism Services
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:30:56-08:00Challenge Many autistic children experience high levels of emotional and behavioural challenges that are often long-lasting and stressful. Parents and caregivers play a powerful role in supporting their kids’ emotional wellbeing. Research has shown that certain factors (such as caregiver mental health, social connections, and access to services) can influence autistic children’s wellbeing in [...]
Empowering Children to Achieve Power Mobility with Brain-computer Interfaces
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:46:09-08:00Challenge Thousands of Canadian children living with severe physical disabilities are intellectually capable but unable to move independently. They are trapped inside their bodies, deprived of their fundamental human rights to interact, and participate. BCi-Move Project Summary An emerging technology, brain‐computer interfaces (BCIs), are a potential solution. BCIs allow individuals to interact with [...]
Working with Families of Infants at Risk of Speech and Language Delay
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:48:48-08:00Challenge Imagine worrying that something is not quite right with the way your infant is communicating or being told in preschool that your child has a significant speech delay. Next, imagine being on a waitlist for more than a year, and watching your child fall further behind in their language skills. Sadly, such stories [...]