Sarah Munce, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Dr. Sarah Munce is a health services research and implementation scientist at the KITE Research Institute, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network.
She is also an Assistant Professor (status) in Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy with cross-appointments at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute (RSI), and the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) at the University of Toronto.
Sarah is one of the Graduate Coordinators at RSI and the co-instructor for the Mixed Methods in Health Services Research course at IHPME. She is the former Membership Chair for the Mixed Methods International Research Association and current Editor-in-Chief for JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. Sarah’s research program uses implementation science, including integrated knowledge translation (iKT), and mixed methods to develop, implement, and evaluate transitional care interventions (i.e., peer support, self-management, peer navigation) for youth with complex needs and their family members.
Sarah is passionate about mentorship and has been involved in numerous mentorship efforts including as a co-developer of the KINSHIP mentorship program for early career researchers at KITE and as a mentor for the Rosie Mentoring Program. Sarah is a former AMS Healthcare Fellow in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence. Some of Sarah’s current funders are the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Kids Brain Health Network, and Brain Canada Foundation.