Research Snapshots provide concise, accurate and quick access to research findings. Intended for policymakers and practitioners including front-line workers, health professionals, educators and service providers, these compact mobilization products were pioneered by our Knowledge Translation lead, David Phipps at York University. Kids Brain Health Research Snapshots are authoritative: each one is developed in collaboration with the original researcher and published only after obtaining their approval.

Research Snapshots
Peer Reviewed Research, Reports & Commentary

Kids Brain Health researchers produce high impact peer-reviewed publications, scientific reports, and analyses. We have compiled a comprehensive list of Network publications since our inception as NeuroDevNet with publications beginning in 2011.

Stakeholder engagement in the Network takes place at many levels and in many forms. In person, through telephone interviews, surveys and online via social media, we are asking families and children as well as community and national organizations and policy makers to tell us what is most important them.

Stakeholder Engagement
Tools for Impact

Knowledge Translation (KT) products fall into two main categories: the first, mechanisms that convey findings of research; the second focuses on development of skills and capacity for doing KT.