MyCOVIDDisabilityQ question 18

Many children with disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy, have challenges to be physically active due to COVID-19. They miss their daily routine, such as school. At home many children are sitting too much.

While we all should move more, sit less and make sure we get enough sleep per day, for our health and well-being, this is even more important for children with CP.

Less movement can make the muscles stiff and sore. Therefore it is important to think in a creative way what can be done to stay active in the house. For children who are able to walk it may be going up and down the stairs to get some extra exercise and stretch the muscles.

For other children with CP it may other activities to reduce sitting time, like standing in a stander or walking in a walker, being on a trampoline, or if possible swimming, to name a few.

Ask your therapist or specialist if you would like some advice on specific exercises, equipment or, if needed medication. If your child is on medication already it may be that he or she needs an adjustment of the dose.

Most healthcare services are now beginning to resume appointments paused due to covid-19, either in clinic or virtual. Do not hesitate to contact your healthcare team if you have urgent health needs.