Project Description


Every person with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has their own strengths and challenges. That means there is no one-size-fits-all pathway through the available interventions and services. Families have to figure out what makes the most sense given their child’s needs, age, goals and context.

Project Summary

Kids Health Brain Network has funded the development of a tool called Client-Oriented Mapping for Point of Care Access to Supports and Services (COMPASS). This resource is informed by nationwide data about the characteristics of individuals with FASD, their experiences, and the supports they’ve used at different stages of their lives. COMPASS aims to apply past learnings to new patients, so that FASD clinics can give meaningful, evidence-based recommendations to families when their child gets a diagnosis.

For example, a preschooler might benefit if her caregivers get trained in special parenting practices, whereas a particular teen might find it helpful to get homework support, take part in alcohol education or join a group to meet others who also live with FASD and who understand what it’s like.

The project team is working on digitizing the COMPASS prototype and piloting it with clinics and families. With the help of these partners, they will make final adjustments to the tool and roll it out to diagnostic clinics Canada-wide.

Mapping FASD Supports for Each Child’s Life

Looking Towards the Future

COMPASS will make it easier for clinicians to choose and communicate recommendations for families when a child is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome disorder. As a result, access to appropriate services in areas such as education, mental health, life skills and justice should improve for the one in 100 Canadians who live with FASD.


Kids Brain Health Network – $399,400.00


Principal Investigators

Dr. Jocelynn Cook, University of Ottawa; Society for Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada
Dr. Jacqueline Pei, University of Alberta
Dr. Kaitlyn McLachlan, University of Guelph


The Canada FASD Research Network
Lakeland Centre for FASD
Manitoba Child Development Centre
CanFASD Family Advisory Committee
Surrey Place