PART Committee 2023-2024

Dr. Alicia Hilderley

Alicia Hilderley is passionate about promoting active brains and active bodies for kids of all abilities. She has degrees in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD, University of Toronto) and Kinesiology (MSc, BScHon, McGill University) and extensive experience in adapted physical activity settings as a coach and professional Kinesiologist (PKin).

2024-02-28T09:30:51-08:00November 28th, 2023|2023 Speaker, 2023 Trainee Cohort, Biography|

Dr. Bilikis Oluwatoyin Banire

Dr. Bilikis Banire is a dedicated researcher and advocate specializing in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), with a multidisciplinary research focus encompassing human-computer interaction (HCI), persuasive computing, eye-tracking, affective computing, and machine learning—all aimed at advancing the understanding and treatment of autism and mental health.

2023-11-28T18:04:26-08:00November 23rd, 2023|2023 Trainee Cohort, Biography|
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