William is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University and an MBA from McGill University. Prior to starting at Claret, Bill was formerly Managing Partner of AMI Private Capital, responsible for the Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver offices from March 1993 until July of 1996 when the division was purchased by Toronto Dominion Bank. Before this, he was Vice President of Newcastle Capital Management from 1991 to 1993, a firm specializing in the use of derivative products for institutional accounts. Bill began his career at Burns Fry Limited in 1986 as the first Bankers Acceptance Futures Trader on the floor of the Montreal Exchange, was promoted to the position of a Government of Canada Bond Options Market Maker, and then progressed as an Institutional Futures and Options Sales Representative. He has worked in institutional derivative markets in Canada since 1986, and has an extensive background in risk management. He has written numerous articles, been featured on CBC TV Business Report, Radio Canada, Bloomberg, VIP Forum Washington and has been a guest speaker for the Strategy Institute, Treasury Management Association of Canada, North American Society of Securities Auditors (NASSA), Quebec Securities Commission (AMF) and the Montreal Society of Financial Analysts in addition to all 10 Societies of Financial Analysts across Canada. He spoke at the 1998 annual CFA Institute global conference in Phoenix.