Join David Phipps, KBHN’s KT lead, and Executive Director, Research and Innovation Services, for an in-depth immersion in the  Co-Produced Pathway to Impact (CPPI) Framework for Planning and Evaluation of Research, KT, and Commercialization.

Advancing Research Impact is a brand new addition to Udemy’s suite of research methods courses, developed by KBHN KT Manager Anneliese Poetz with support from KBHN. The course is free of charge to anyone looking to improve their understanding of research impact, and how to achieve it. Just launched the afternoon of Dec. 4, there are already 254 students enrolled from around the world. Dr. Poetz has published a blog about the self-serve course, its content, and purpose.


You’ll learn to:

  • recognize and understand the different stages of the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact framework from research through dissemination, uptake, implementation and impact and how these stages in the research process can benefit from engagement with stakeholders
  • project anticipated short, medium and long-term impact(s) of research, knowledge translation, and commercialization projects and apply this thinking to planning activities, outputs and outcomes accordingly
  • use the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact framework to frame planning and evaluation for your research projects and/or programs toward achieving impact(s)
  •  understand how to operationalize the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact framework
  •  understand the different stages to help you create an impact strategy, which may or may not be part of a grant application

Register, or Watch the intro to the course today! Step onto the Pathway to Impact for an engaging look at the stakeholder-engaged planning and evaluation that ultimately translates research into changes in policy and practice.