A team from the University of Alberta is attempting to improve the life outcomes of families affected by Neurodevelopmental Disorders by developing a chatbot. The verification of engagement strategies used in the Chatbot is critical to improving families’ experiences with the application.

What the participants will do?

The focus group is a one-time 45-60 minute online session with 1-4 other individuals. Participants will answer questions about their preferences for specific engagement strategies and converse with other participants in a round-table format. The audio and video of the session will be recorded for later analysis.

Who can participate?

Individuals who have a child with Neurodevelopmental Disability.

If you would like to learn more, or would like to participate, contact our study coordinator at University of Alberta by phone (780-492-7034) or email camibot@ualberta.ca.

Together we may be able to give those diagnosed with NDDs (and their families) a better life experience.

The principal investigator of this study is Dr. Francois Bolduc, MD, PhD, FRCPC (www.bolduclab.com), in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta.