The Board of Directors has a mandate to oversee and steward Kids Brain Health Network. Accountable to the NCE Secretariat, the Board reports twice annually on Kids Brain Health’s activities and progress. In response to priorities and opportunities arising, the Board has also created several committees to guide various aspects of the Network. KBHN holds board meetings four times per year.

The Board comprises twelve to fifteen Directors, who serve one- to three-year terms, renewable for a further term. Directors represent academic, business, and community sectors. Kids Brain Health is fortunate to have an exceptionally talented and diverse group of Directors. All are rich in experience and have an active interest in helping Kids Brain Health realize its vision.


  • Provide overall guidance on the management of Kids Brain Health operations
  • Provide direction to the strategic plans and objectives of Kids Brain Health
  • Approve Kids Brain Health business plans, budgets, and financial reports
  • Review the recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Research Management Committee

Active Board Members

Liz Choi

Liz Choi,

Jamie Dunlop

Jamie Dunlop,

Saul Katz

Saul Katz,

David Kuik

David Kuik,

Sarah Lippé

Sarah Lippé,
Researcher Representative & Member

Sarah Lippé

Jim Reid,

Erin Selby

Erin Selby,

Jennifer Zwicker

Jennifer Zwicker,
Chief Scientist & Guest attendee