Dr. Adam Kirton, MD MSc FRCPC
Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of Calgary
Dr. Kirton is Professor of Pediatrics, Radiology, and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary and an attending Pediatric Neurologist at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. He holds the Dr. Robert Haslam Chair in Pediatric Neurology and serves at the Deputy Head (Research) for the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Kirton’s research focuses on applying technologies including neuroimaging, non-invasive brain stimulation, and brain computer interfaces to measure and modulate the response of the developing brain to early injury to generate new therapies and opportunities for life participation for disabled children. He served as the inaugural board chair and vice president of the International Pediatric Stroke Organization (internationalpediatricstroke.org, @curekidstroke). Dr. Kirton directs the Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program (perinatalstroke.com, @PedStrokeYYC), Alberta Perinatal Stroke Project, the University of Calgary Non-invasive Neurostimulation Network (N3), and the ACH Brain Computer Interface Laboratory (BCI4kids.com, @BCI4kids).