Behnaz Bahmei, M.Sc
Behnaz is a Ph.D. candidate in the school of mechatronic systems engineering at Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC. During her academic studies, Behnaz has focused on addressing clinical problems using artificial intelligence techniques. Behnaz received her M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2014. Her Master’s study is about tumor growths identification and chemotherapy drug optimization. Behnaz’s Ph.D. research is about developing an intervention technique to help kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to cope with their sound sensitivity problems.
Behnaz is proficient in computer programming with a focus on machine learning and deep learning for multiple applications including Computer Vision, Recommendation Systems, and Signal Processing. She also has published several journal and conference papers. Behnaz has joined the KBHN group in May 2018 as a research trainee to address the sound sensitivity issues for kids with ASD.