
This category holds: Investigators, Awardees, Trainees, Fer Graduates, Family Members, Fellows

Chris Kelly

Chris Kelly Program Deputy Director, Networks of Centres of Excellence Secretariat Chris Kelly is the Program Deputy Director for the Networks of Centres of Excellence Secretariat, which offers a suite of programs that mobilize Canada’s best research, development of highly qualified personnel, and entrepreneurial expertise, and focus it on specific issues and strategic [...]

2023-01-13T16:01:14-08:00January 12th, 2023|Biography|

Dr. Michael Richards

Michael Richards, PhD Associate Vice-President, Research, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada Michael Richards joined Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Office of the Vice-President, Research and International (VPRI) on July 1, 2022 as the Associate Vice-President, Research (AVPR). Dr. Richards is professor of archaeology and a Canada Research Chair in Archaeological Science, who [...]

2023-01-13T16:00:40-08:00September 12th, 2022|Biography|

Dr. Elizabeth G. Condliffe

Dr. Condliffe is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on improving clinical interventions to promote neuroplastic change and reduce multisystem impacts of impairments throughout the lifespan of people with cerebral palsy and other causes of long-term neurodisabilities.

Dr. Christine Gervais

Christine Gervais, PhD (Supervisor) Sociology, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Christine Gervais (Ph.D. Sociology) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and she is a steering committee member of the Interdisciplinary Research Lab on the Rights of the Child in the Faculty of Law [...]

Danika DeCarlo-Slobodnik

Danika DeCarlo-Slobodnik recently earned her Master of Arts in Criminology from the University of Ottawa. Danika’s research focuses on increasing our collective awareness and understanding of diverse circumstances that exist for some children, parents, and families so that we can critically rethink our standards of normalcy and respond to all families’ needs in child-centred and trauma-informed ways.

2023-09-27T10:40:55-08:00August 22nd, 2022|Biography, Former Trainee, Mitacs - 2022 Awardee|

Dr. Elisa Romano

Dr. Elisa Romano is a Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa and a registered Clinical Psychologist in Ontario. Her research focuses on 1) adverse experiences within the family that can compromise well-being, namely family violence and child maltreatment, and 2) the development, implementation, and evaluation of interventions that promote child and youth well-being, in particular for maltreatment-exposed young people.

David Eisenstat

 Dr. David Eisenstat Dr. Eisenstat’s research involves understanding the regulation of cell growth and differentiation during development. Biological response modifiers have been used to treat several types of malignancy by harnessing normal developmental programs specific to these relatively undifferentiated cancer cell populations. The aim is to facilitate understanding of the processes of cell [...]

2023-07-27T05:35:27-08:00June 28th, 2022|Biography|

Maddy Dever

Maddy Dever, Autistic Advocate, Director, Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance (CASDA) Maddy Dever (they/them) is an Autistic adult and parent of five children with four also on the autism spectrum, living in Carleton Place in rural Eastern Ontario. Maddy advocates with both provincial and federal governments for inclusion and acceptance of Autistic individuals [...]

2022-05-19T14:24:21-08:00May 19th, 2022|Biography|
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