Elisa Romano

Elisa Romano, PhD (Supervisor)
Psychology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Elisa Romano is a Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa and a registered Clinical Psychologist in Ontario. She has a cross-appointment in the Faculty of Education and is a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Lab on the Rights of the Child in the Faculty of Law. Dr. Romano’s research focuses on 1) adverse experiences within the family that can compromise well-being, namely family violence and child maltreatment, and 2) the development, implementation, and evaluation of interventions that promote child and youth well-being, in particular for maltreatment-exposed young people. To conduct her research, Dr. Romano has established a network of collaborations that span various practice sectors, most notably child welfare, education, and community-based early child and family centres. Dr. Romano is actively involved in both undergraduate and graduate teaching, and she is currently serving as the co-director of the clinical psychology program. Dr. Romano provides clinical supervision to students completing their doctoral degree at the University of Ottawa and has a small private practice that focuses on young people who have experienced trauma within their families.