Dr. Trish Domi is currently a Research Associate in the Stroke Imaging Lab for Children (SILC). Following 12 years of clinical research experience that included studies in epidemiology and outcome in paediatric stroke, she moved onto pursue her PhD at the Institute of Medical Science. Her doctoral worked examined hand re-organization following childhood stroke using multi-modal brain imaging techniques. As a post-doctoral fellow, she shifted from studying mechanisms of recovery to mechanisms of injury to the brain in a juvenile rat model of stroke. Here she studied the evolution of blood-brain barrier permeability in the acute and sub-acute phases post stroke using histological (Evan’s Blue) and in vivo MRI (dynamic contrast MRI) measures of blood-brain barrier leakage. Currently, she is involved with a number of research MRI studies being conducted within SILC, with a special interest in the multi-institutional Brain Canada study. This is a prospective, longitudinal study where comprehensive MRI studies are being acquired in the acute, subacute and chronic stages following paediatric arterial ischemic stroke. She is also working on a pilot study where a home based virtual-rehabilitation system designed for children with cerebral palsy will be used as an intervention in childhood stroke patients. Her role will be to apply functional and structural MRI techniques to study neuroplastic outcomes associated with the intervention.