Senator, Senate of Canada
The Honourable Rosemary Moodie was appointed to the Senate of Canada by the Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette on December 12, 2018. Dr. Moodie is an independent Senator representing Ontario and sits on the standing committee of Agriculture and Forestry.
Senator Moodie is a Jamaican-born paediatrician and neonatologist. After graduating from the University of the West Indies, she completed postgraduate training in Paediatric and Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She is senior neonatologist, clinical teacher and associate professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Toronto. She is Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Canada and Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics. Her research has focused on the social determinants of breastfeeding practice and she has written extensively on regional health services and physician human resource planning. Her vibrant community paediatric practice serves neighbourhood priority areas in Toronto. She obtained a Master of Business Administration, Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and a Master of Public Administration, School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University.
Senator Moodie is a well-recognized national and international medical leader. She has supported organizations and stakeholders in policy development and advocacy to improve health equity and expand quality health care access to the most vulnerable, underserved and marginalized population. Her work included Corporate Chief of Paediatrics and Medical Director of the Regional Maternal Child Program Rouge Valley Health System; Maternal, Child, Youth, and Gynaecology Lead for Central East Local Health Integration Network; and regional and provincial committees, such as the Child Health Network and Provincial Council of Children’s Health. Her expertise also includes health care planning locally and internationally.
Further, Senator Moodie is an Accreditation Canada hospital surveyor with extensive experience improving the quality of health care delivery across Canada and worldwide.
Senator Moodie has been a strong advocate for woman and girls. Her contributions to reducing social inequities and health disparities among children and communities have been significant. She is on the Board of Directors for the inaugural board of Providence Healthcare, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, and St. Michael’s Hospital (Unity Health Toronto) and the ScotiaBank Jamaica Foundation. She was the President and Board Chair of the YWCA Toronto when the Elm Centre was completed. The Elm Centre is Canada’s largest affordable housing project for single low-income women, women with mental health and addiction issues, and families of Aboriginal ancestry. She has served on numerous other not-for-profit boards in health, education and social development.
Senator Moodie’s distinctions through service include the Order of Distinction – Commander Rank from the Government of Jamaica; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons – Prix d’excellence – Specialist of the Year; Canadian Paediatric Society – Distinguished Community Paediatrician; University of Toronto Alumni Association – Community Engagement Award; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario – Council Award; City of Toronto – Access and Human Rights Constance E. Hamilton Award on the Status of Women; Ontario Medical Association – Presidential Award; Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto – Top 10 High Achieving Women; Harry Jerome Health Sciences Award; Top 25 Canadian Women of Influence; 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women; The University of the West Indies Alumni -Distinguished Service Award for Maternal and Child Health; Canadian Paediatric Society – Award of Merit; and Ontario Medical Association – Glenn Sawyer Community Service Award.