Dr. jody Carrington (profile pic), psychologist, speaker, authorAs we get closer to the 2021 Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN) conference, we’re checking in with some of the presenters to learn about their work and what they’re sharing at this year’s event.

Dr. Jody Carrington is a child psychologist and author who addresses the impact parents and caregivers have on a child’s psychology. Her first book, Kids These Days: A Game Plan for (Re)Connecting With Those We Teach, Lead & Love, came out in 2019—and she’s also the host of the 2021 KBHN conference! We asked about her work and what she’s most looking forward to at the conference, taking place November 8 & 9, 2021.

Why did you decide to host the 2021 KBHN conference?

The innovations and insights that the Kids Brain Health Network brings to this world, as we work towards understanding kids and mental health, are critical. As we step into arguably one of the most critical seasons regarding a true understanding of how our experiences affect our bodies, it is an absolute honor to be asked to facilitate this day.

How does the conference align with your interests and areas of specialty?

I have worked for many years serving and understanding relationship-focused and trauma-informed work when it comes to allowing families to grow and heal. This conference and all it represents couldn’t be more in my wheelhouse!

What kind of service do you generally provide?

I am a speaker, author, and creator of programs aimed at assisting those of us serving kids and families to understand that our only way to manage the hard things is from a relationship-focused perspective. Being trauma-informed means understanding that the body keeps the score when hard things happen to us.

What are you hoping people take away from this conference?

I am so excited for participants to gather in one place and understand our collective power in learning about the importance of connecting relationships to the brain. This is going to be an incredible opportunity to inspire those who do this critical work to understand that we are needed now, more than ever.

Register now for the 2021 KBHN Conference, taking place virtually on Nov. 8 & 9. Learn more on the Official Conference Website.