Marianna is a registered social worker and a PhD student at Wilfrid Laurier University. She previously completed a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from the University of Windsor (2015) and a Bachelor of Science (Honours; BScH) degree from Queen’s University (2012).
Marianna’s clinical practice focuses on supporting the developmental skills and social-emotional well-being of young children who have neurodevelopmental disabilities. She also works with parents/caregivers to support family functioning, including helping caregivers to understand and adjust to their child’s diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental disability.
In research and advocacy capacities, Marianna’s interests are related to service improvement in the childhood neurodisability sector, children’s rights, and child/family-well-being. Her doctoral research aims to examine the extent to which child rights have been reflected in services to date as well as to identify opportunities to embed a child rights focus in services going forward.