Manager of the Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP), ABLE2
Nancy is Manager of the Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) at ABLE2, formerly Citizen Advocacy Ottawa, a program she helped to create in 2015 in collaboration with Kids Brain Health Network, CHEO and the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa. In this role she manages the provincial FASD Worker Program for children and youth in three regions of Eastern Ontario; the FASD Coordinator program for adults with FASD (or suspected FASD) in Ottawa; along with seven support groups. In addition, Nancy has provided customized FASD education workshops to thousands of professionals and front-line workers in multiple sectors including education, justice, employment, housing, mental health and addictions.
Nancy has presented on FASD at the provincial, national and international level, including to the Senate of Canada’s Human Rights Committee. She is extremely proud of the “FARP” team members, both past and present, for their hard work and vision, and to Kids Brain Health Network for their ongoing support.