Projects – Cycle II

Connecting Families to FASD Support


Challenge Families and individuals with FASD often struggle when it comes to accessing supports, sometimes because they don’t know services exist, and other times inclusion criteria act as a barrier. Project Summary The Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) developed in partnership with Citizen Advocacy Ottawa was created to address this issue. FARP plays a navigator [...]

Development of a Genomic Assessment Tool for Early Identification of Infants and children at risk for FASD


Challenge Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), which results from prenatal alcohol exposure, is the most common cause of neurodevelopmental impairments in the western world, with an estimated prevalence of 3-5% in Canada, and as high as 11% in some communities. Diagnosing the disorder is time-consuming and costly — but early diagnosis of children at risk [...]

Integrated Navigational Support for Families of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities


A Pilot in Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon Challenge Children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) often navigate a confusing patchwork of uncoordinated services. These services span several different sectors, organizations and layers of government. Research shows that families frequently struggle to determine what supports are available, appropriate and accessible —especially at crucial life junctures such [...]

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