The Knowledge – Translation Core


Challenge It is no secret that there is often a gap between published evidence and the support that children with neurodevelopmental disabilities receive. For years, many researchers have struggled with how to translate knowledge into impact and have often carried out research without keeping this in mind. What resulted was a multitude of research and [...]

The ASD Demonstration Project: Sleep: A Comorbidity Across Disorders


Challenge Upward of 90 percent of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) have sleep issues, compared to just a quarter of typically developing children. The toll on their well-being—and their families’ quality of life—can be severe. Project Summary In 2013, ASD investigators affiliated with KBHN teamed up to guide the national research agenda on this issue, [...]

The ASD Demonstration Project: Translation of Genomic Discoveries into Clinical Practice


Challenge A person’s genome could contain useful information about their risk of autism spectrum disorder, but how should genome sequencing be used in diagnosis, genetic counselling and patient management? What treatments and follow-ups should come after what kinds of test results? And how should these very complex and sometimes ambiguous results be conveyed? How can [...]

Discovering Genes that Play a Role in Autism Spectrum Disorders


Challenge Mounting evidence has shown that genetics play a role in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). While genetics does not determine that an individual will develop autism, it can increase the risk. Researchers have discovered genes that determine properties of synapses—a junction between two nerve cells that fuses a connection between them—as potentially playing a role [...]

Therapeutic Video Game for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Challenge People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) tend to struggle with executive functioning—a set of cognitive processes that include working memory, flexible thinking, and planning. To help improve this skill set, a “serious game” is in development. Project Summary Previously called Cognitive Carnival, Caribbean Quest is a computer game that was rooted in neuroscience, [...]

Caribbean Quest


Challenge Individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities commonly experience attention and executive function (EF) deficits that influence their development. Attention and executive function are involved in goal-driven behaviours, and include abilities such as focusing, inhibition, remembering, and regulating emotions and behaviours. Project Summary A growing body of literature has demonstrated that computerized training can be useful in [...]

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