Dr. James Reynolds

The Infant and Early Mental Health Hub for Training, Resources, & Tools (IEHMF Hub)


Challenge Awareness about infant and early mental health among practitioners in health, social services and education in Canada is low compared to other developed jurisdictions.  In addition, resources and information that respect and support the Indigenous communities in Canada are very limited. This initiative strives to fill both these gaps by creating a one-stop-shop for [...]

Working Towards a Better System for People Living with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities


Challenge While every neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) has its unique challenges, there are consistencies among them, one of which is the difficulties parents face navigating the system. Project Summary The Integrated Navigational Support Program is working to make it easier for families to access supports and services. The project currently has three sites—Vancouver, Edmonton, and [...]

Fetal Alcohol Resource Program


Challenge Accessing supports and services for FASD can be very challenging, and families and individuals are often unaware of existing supports or face barriers to access. Project Summary The Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) was established in 2015 in collaboration with Citizen Advocacy Ottawa (now ABLE2). Its purpose was to take on a navigator [...]

Connecting Families with FASD Resources


Challenge When a child receives an FASD diagnosis, families are often left feeling isolated and unsure where to turn to next. A major challenge for caregivers is finding what resources exist to help their child and how to access them. Project Summary KBHN researchers worked with community partners to design the Fetal Alcohol Resource Program [...]

Finding New Ways to Identify and Diagnose FASD in Young Children


Challenge The process of receiving an FASD diagnosis is costly and time-consuming—it requires a multidisciplinary team and several days of testing. Many children are not diagnosed until they are school-aged, despite strong evidence that early intervention (less than three years old) can help improve long-term outcomes. Finding a way to assess and identify children before [...]

Eye Movements to Screen for FASD


Challenge Children often wait a long time for an FASD assessment, which means it takes longer for them to access supports. A team led by Dr. James Reynolds (Queen’s University) is working to develop an assessment tool based on eye movements that could screen children for FASD so that interventions can be accessed sooner. Project [...]

Epigenetic Advances Could Aid in Development of FASD Diagnostic Tool


Challenge The study of epigenetics—how the environment influences gene expression—is a promising avenue when it comes to better understanding FASD. In the absence of the characteristic facial dysmorphology or confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure, it is very challenging to confirm an FASD diagnosis. Therefore, there is a considerable need to identify biomarkers of exposure that one [...]

Combining Games and Exercise for Kids with Cerebral Palsy and FASD


Challenge Many children with brain-based disabilities face challenges when it comes to physical fitness. The use of exercise video games (termed exergames) provides a unique approach to engaging youth in physical exercise and social interaction with their peers. A team led by Darcy Fehlings (Holland Bloorview) and Nicholas Graham (Queen’s University) developed an exergame called [...]

Nurturing the Seed


ChallengeCompared to non-Indigenous Canadians, Indigenous children in Canada have an increased risk of developmental delays and poor mental health. This inequity is due to intergenerational trauma, marginalization and a lack of culturally informed interventions.Project SummaryKids Brain Health Network researchers have found that a screening and intervention program called Hand in Hand can improve the developmental [...]

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