F-Words Training Project Summary: Functioning, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future CanChild’s ‘F‐words for Child Development’ offer a fresh way for everyone to look at health. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) concepts, they present a holistic, strengths‐based, function‐promoting, family‐centred approach to child health. These ideas have captured the attention of [...]
The Infant and Early Mental Health Hub for Training, Resources, & Tools (IEHMF Hub)
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-10-19T10:30:57-08:00Challenge Awareness about infant and early mental health among practitioners in health, social services and education in Canada is low compared to other developed jurisdictions. In addition, resources and information that respect and support the Indigenous communities in Canada are very limited. This initiative strives to fill both these gaps by creating a one-stop-shop for [...]
The Neuroethics Core: Cross-Cultural Issues in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-04T06:41:42-08:00Challenge The words we use to describe disabilities reflect and affect how we perceive them. There has been a lot of discussions about which words are the least stigmatizing and the most empowering. However, any benefits that come out of these conversations might not always extend to people with other native languages, who make up [...]
Nurturing the Seed
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2024-10-09T13:53:28-08:00ChallengeCompared to non-Indigenous Canadians, Indigenous children in Canada have an increased risk of developmental delays and poor mental health. This inequity is due to intergenerational trauma, marginalization and a lack of culturally informed interventions.Project SummaryKids Brain Health Network researchers have found that a screening and intervention program called Hand in Hand can improve the developmental [...]