
Knowledge Translation Cerebral Palsy Network


Challenge While Canadian scientists are leaders in Cerebral Palsy research, effective communication and geography are barriers to creating connections that could lead to meaningful scientific discoveries. Additionally, knowledge of the root causes of CP is at an early stage. The lack of uptake of new evidence-based medical treatments highlights the need for better knowledge dissemination [...]

FAST Club and Braingamers


Challenge Approximately 1 in 100 children per year are affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. These estimates translate to thousands of affected infants born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Individuals with FASD can suffer from neuropsychological deficits, particularly in executive function (EF), which result in poor performance in school or at work, and in day [...]

Therapeutic Video Game for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Challenge People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) tend to struggle with executive functioning—a set of cognitive processes that include working memory, flexible thinking, and planning. To help improve this skill set, a “serious game” is in development. Project Summary Previously called Cognitive Carnival, Caribbean Quest is a computer game that was rooted in neuroscience, [...]

The Benefits of Active Video Games for Youth with Cerebral Palsy


Challenge When children with cerebral palsy (CP) become teenagers, their physical fitness decreases. This decrease in physical fitness is common due to a combination of factors. Unfortunately, it may also lead to increased social isolation, which in turn impacts well-being/ quality of life. Project Summary The use of exercise video games (termed exergames) provides a [...]

Caribbean Quest


Challenge Individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities commonly experience attention and executive function (EF) deficits that influence their development. Attention and executive function are involved in goal-driven behaviours, and include abilities such as focusing, inhibition, remembering, and regulating emotions and behaviours. Project Summary A growing body of literature has demonstrated that computerized training can be useful in [...]

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