Sarah Lippé studies risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders and the diversity of trajectories of outcomes. She has developed brain activity biomarkers sensitive to brain maturation and cognitive development. Lippe currently uses advanced imaging signal processing and modern statistics to delineate etiologic mechanisms leading to abnormal neurodevelopment. She was among the first to advocate for novel strategies in assessing outcomes in clinical trials, and other intervention means to improve cognition in children. Dr. Lippé is currently leading EEG phenotyping of two international Fragile X Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders clinical trials. The trials involve multidisciplinary teams of researchers from the POND, the EU-AIMS and the MIND Institute, creating bridges between international teams involved in neurodevelopmental disorders cohorts to understand better risks and resilience factors favouring intervention responses. She is also innovatively deeply phenotyping hundreds of children with genetic risks (Brain Canada cohorts) to understand trajectories better to target as early as possible children that would benefit from timely interventions. She has published more than 65 peer-reviewed articles and over 190 abstracts, with several papers cited >100 times and covered widely by the press. Dr. Lippé has experience in leading large research and academic teams. As a mother of a child with neurodevelopmental disorders and as a clinical neuropsychologist, she is involved in several community-based initiatives to serve these children.