Sophie Lam-Damji, Occupational Therapist, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Sophie Lam-Damji is a staff occupational therapist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital with over two decades of clinical experience working with children with cerebral palsy. She has established a reputation for championing and leading clinical initiatives. In 2000 she developed evidence based practice guidelines for constraint induced movement therapy for children with cerebral palsy in the Child Development Program. In 2019 she innovated, created, and successfully led the development of Canada’s first evidence based Baby CIMT Clinic Program for infants with cerebral palsy. She was the recipient of the 2020 Dr. John Whittaker Memorial Award for creating a novel Canadian model to improve access to Baby CIMT, for leading and growing this resource , and for the tremendous impact on children with cerebral palsy and their families. In 2021 the Baby CIMT Program at Holland Bloorview was recognized as a leading practice by the Health Standards Organization of Canada. An occupational therapist since 1997 Sophie returned to school in 2015 to complete her master’s degree of Occupational Therapy from the University of Manitoba. She participates in research, teaching and clinical activities. She holds a long standing Lecturer Status Appointment at the University of Toronto and won for exceptional guest lecturer in 2017 for being a powerful speaker who is able to motivate and to inspire students. She has received numerous recognition awards for excellence, innovation, partnership, and high quality of care from families and colleagues.