2023 Speaker

Adelee Penner

Adelee Penner is a highly sought-after consulting professional who has demonstrated her ability to realize system improvement and change disruption. She brings her practical experience working with teachers and school-based and district leaders to her project consultation/work.

2024-02-22T12:49:35-08:00February 22nd, 2024|2023 Speaker, Biography|

Dr. Alicia Hilderley

Alicia Hilderley is passionate about promoting active brains and active bodies for kids of all abilities. She has degrees in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD, University of Toronto) and Kinesiology (MSc, BScHon, McGill University) and extensive experience in adapted physical activity settings as a coach and professional Kinesiologist (PKin).

2024-02-28T09:30:51-08:00November 28th, 2023|2023 Speaker, 2023 Trainee Cohort, Biography|
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