
Newsletter – December 2024: A year-end message from KBHN CEO, KBHN Outstanding Awards, and more

Includes a year-end message from CEO Geoff Pradella, the KBHN Outstanding Awards, and our involvement in the launch of the National Caregiving Caucus and the Honouring the Caregiver event. We also celebrated our funded projects for International Day of Persons with Disabilities and introduced new travel aid for families with disabilities.

2024-12-20T11:53:56-08:00December 20th, 2024|Newsletters|

Newsletter – Fall 2023

Dear Kids Brain Health Champions,In this latest edition of our fall newsletter, we're excited to share big news, interesting updates from our project teams, and a glimpse of what else to look forward to in the upcoming months.Here’s what to expect in this fall newsletter: You are invited to a Golden Gathering: KBHN’s Annual Conference 2023KBHN [...]

2023-09-26T12:26:19-08:00September 26th, 2023|Newsletters|

Newsletter – Summer edition 2023

Dear Kids Brain Health Champions, We’re gearing up for a summer full of promise and sharing some ways we’ve been working together to make Kids Brain Health Network a household name.   Our program researchers and teams are busy collaborating with families, trainees and partners to bring innovations and solutions into the community. We’re expanding our [...]

2023-06-24T05:32:02-08:00June 22nd, 2023|Newsletters|

Newsletter – Spring 2023

Dear Kids Brain Health Champions, We have lots to celebrate and look forward to this year. We hope you’ll join us! Meet up with us in Ottawa. KBHN Annual Conference: Mark your calendar.  Autism Leadership Summit: Help build a more inclusive Canada with us.  Celebrate research and training in our Network. Join us in congratulating [...]

2023-05-05T09:22:15-08:00March 9th, 2023|Newsletters|
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