KBHN Proposes $50 Million Funding for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
KBHN recommends a $50 million, 5-year government funding for improved care and outcomes for Canadian children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) through KBHN initiatives.
National Autism Strategies: Bringing to the Forefront Lived Experiences
Autism Alliance of Canada and Kids Brain Health Network partner on a global discussion on national autism strategies, bringing to the forefront the lived experiences of Autistic persons
Childhood Disability (without) Poverty: A National Discussion
On Mother’s Day Weekend, May 12-13, 2023, we hosted a first-of-its-kind Canada-wide virtual two-day conference that brought families and professionals together on equal footing to discuss the issues that lie at the intersection of childhood disability, family poverty, and health outcomes.
Challenges, Best Practices and a way forward – National Autism Strategies
Autism Alliance of Canada is proud to organize a Side Event in partnership with Kids Brain Health Network at the United Nations’ 16th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, on June 15, 2023.
Creating a better future for autistic people and communities through the Canadian Autism Leadership Summit
KBHN and Autism Alliance of Canada policy fellows analyze human rights-based autism strategies from 13 countries to inform Canada’s National Autism Strategy.
Announcement: Mental Health in the Early Years (MHITEY) Science Competition, Team Grant
The Canadian Institutes for Health Research announced a new investment of $1.25 million through the Mental Health in the Early Years (MHITEY) Initiative to support the community-based Infant and Early Mental Health (IEMH) Care Pathways project, Leading the Way.
Help improve health care for kids: 15-minute survey
A network of researchers from across Canada are conducting a national survey to understand how groups of people involved in child development and rehabilitation connect with others to share and use knowledge.
How the NYAP shaped a study about youth mental health during COVID-19
In October 2020, CHILD-BRIGHT’s National Youth Advisory Panel (NYAP) launched an innovative youth consultation service, offered to Canadian researchers working on childhood disability research projects.
Ground-Breaking Research Can Change the Lives of Kids with Disabilities
KBHN-funded research is driving change for children living with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their caregivers. Imagine a world where immobile children could activate their [...]
Family Engagement in Research (FER) Leadership Academy
CanChild and Kids Brain Health Network are delivering a new online program for graduates of the Family Engagement in Research (FER) Course, in partnership with McMaster Continuing Education.
Follow KBHN CEO Nicola Lewis’s meetings on Parliament Hill
Nicola Lewis, CEO of Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN), met with key decision-makers in Ottawa last month. During this time, she raised awareness and advocated for the ongoing work KBHN is undertaking to support children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) and their families.
KBHN’s Annual Outstanding Awards 2022-2023
Our National Training Program enhances training for the next generation of researchers and professionals. Together we develop and implement innovations that improve the lives of children living with neurodevelopmental disabilities, and their families.