F-Words Training Project Summary: Functioning, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future CanChild’s ‘F‐words for Child Development’ offer a fresh way for everyone to look at health. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) concepts, they present a holistic, strengths‐based, function‐promoting, family‐centred approach to child health. These ideas have captured the attention of [...]
A New Family-centered Ecological Model in Autism Services
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:30:56-08:00Challenge Many autistic children experience high levels of emotional and behavioural challenges that are often long-lasting and stressful. Parents and caregivers play a powerful role in supporting their kids’ emotional wellbeing. Research has shown that certain factors (such as caregiver mental health, social connections, and access to services) can influence autistic children’s wellbeing in [...]
Empowering Children to Achieve Power Mobility with Brain-computer Interfaces
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:46:09-08:00Challenge Thousands of Canadian children living with severe physical disabilities are intellectually capable but unable to move independently. They are trapped inside their bodies, deprived of their fundamental human rights to interact, and participate. BCi-Move Project Summary An emerging technology, brain‐computer interfaces (BCIs), are a potential solution. BCIs allow individuals to interact with [...]
Working with Families of Infants at Risk of Speech and Language Delay
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:48:48-08:00Challenge Imagine worrying that something is not quite right with the way your infant is communicating or being told in preschool that your child has a significant speech delay. Next, imagine being on a waitlist for more than a year, and watching your child fall further behind in their language skills. Sadly, such stories [...]
Implementing a Collaborative ACT Intervention for Family Caregivers
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-31T10:50:50-08:00Challenge Family caregivers of people with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) often experience stress and mental health difficulties (e.g., anxiety, depression). However, there are few services to support their wellbeing. Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) helps people to cope by increasing acceptance and mindfulness skills, which may help these caregivers. Commitment Training (ACT) Project Summary The [...]
Working Towards a Better System for People Living with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-10-19T10:31:35-08:00Challenge While every neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) has its unique challenges, there are consistencies among them, one of which is the difficulties parents face navigating the system. Project Summary The Integrated Navigational Support Program is working to make it easier for families to access supports and services. The project currently has three sites—Vancouver, Edmonton, and [...]
Better Nights, Better Days: An Online Intervention to Help Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders to Sleep Better
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-10-19T10:34:41-08:00Challenge Children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) often struggle with sleeping, which can impair their day-to-day functioning while placing a heavy burden on caregivers. Project Summary Better Days, Better Nights for Children with NDDs (BNBD-NDD) is a behavioural eHealth intervention. The intervention focuses on increasing and encouraging healthy sleep behaviours as a way to help children [...]
The New Physical Activity Coaching (New-PAC) intervention
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-10-19T10:39:45-08:00Challenge Physical activity is beneficial for all children but has particular benefits for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. However, children living with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families often experience exclusion and lack of opportunities to engage in community recreation opportunities. For children, social isolation can have dramatic consequences because social interactions enable children to learn and [...]
Developing a Community of Practice (CoP) to Support Broader Implementation of the MILE Program
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-10-19T10:24:40-08:00Challenge Math presents a steep challenge for many school-aged children, mainly when a learning disability or neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) affects some of the skills that it requires. Students who were prenatally exposed to alcohol, for example, can struggle with visual-spatial processing, working memory, and self-regulation : the ability to monitor and exert control over their thoughts, [...]
The Family Engagement Core: Making a Difference to Families Caring for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Nicolas Turgeon-Morin2023-05-04T06:38:35-08:00Challenge Many families of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) don’t want to be just passive research subjects; instead, they want to be active research partners. A project tends to have greater relevance when it arises directly from the needs and priorities of families rather than solely the interests of researchers or their funders. Despite this, [...]