
Ground-Breaking Research Can Change the Lives of Kids with Disabilities

KBHN-funded research is driving change for children living with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their caregivers. Imagine a world where immobile children could activate their wheelchairs using nothing but brainwaves. Researchers are getting closer to this remarkable discovery by revolutionizing the lives of children affected by neurodevelopmental disabilities in Canada. The Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) [...]

2023-09-07T05:55:46-08:00March 20th, 2023|News|

The KBHN Implementation Skills Development Awards 2023 – Call for Submissions

The KBHN Implementation Skills Development Awards support trainees (e.g., postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and research staff—assistants, coordinators and associates) at a Canadian post-secondary or research institution working on a “capstone” or research project in the field of neurodevelopmental disabilities with a focus on children and their families.

2024-04-09T09:31:13-08:00January 24th, 2023|News|
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