
Our Experience as Parent Partners in Research

2022-01-20T12:28:58-08:00January 20th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This infographic targets parents and explores parent partners' experiences in research. The infographic provides advice to other parents to overcome barriers and engage in research as collaborators. Authors: Sasha Dyck, Meghan Ford, and Samadhi Mora Severino Please click the following links to download the documents:​ Our Experience as Parent Partners in Research

Trauma-Informed Practice in Family-Engaged Research

2022-01-18T15:20:51-08:00January 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This infographic has been prepared for health researchers involved in family engaged research. It presents a rationale for utilizing trauma-informed practice in order to create a safer, more inclusive space for families to participate in health research and presents principles and strategies to assist researchers in this process. Authors: Christine Johns and Shikha Saxena Please click [...]

Right to Participate – Children in Research

2022-01-18T15:03:12-08:00January 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|

The ethical research involving children falls under the obligation of investigators to serve and protect vulnerable individuals. Involving children in discussions and processes that directly impact their lives is important throughout the entire process. Equally important is that a child knows that they have the right to say that they no longer feel comfortable participating [...]

Interested in Joining our Research Team?

2022-01-18T14:53:11-08:00January 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|

We offer Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) workshops to caregivers of people with disabilities to help improve their psychological wellbeing. A unique aspect of these workshops is that they are delivered by a clinician and a caregiver. Here is an example of a flyer that we created to help recruit caregivers to co-facilitate these ACT [...]

Starting the Conversation: Compensation in Family Partnership

2022-01-18T14:15:56-08:00January 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|

The purpose of this infographic primer is to introduce family partners to the topic of compensation for engagement in research activities. It specifically targets family partners to increase their level of comfort for participating in what can otherwise seem like an awkward conversation. Authors: Steve Gentles, Hikmet Mawi, Samantha Schulz, Rachel Hornbeck Please click the following [...]

What is Power Imbalance in Research?

2022-01-17T15:02:29-08:00January 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This infographic provides information on how power imbalance can occur in family engagement in research, how it impacts the partnership in family engagement in research, what are the factors that the research team can look at when they want to detect power imbalance in research, and how to prevent power imbalance in research throughout the [...]

Patient and Family Engagement in Clinical Trials

2022-01-17T14:54:10-08:00January 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This infographic gives readers a glimpse into the How, When, and Why of the benefits of integrated collaboration between researchers and "lived experience experts" known as patients and families during clinical trial design, conduct, analyses, and sharing of the findings of the trial. Authors: Buse Bedir, Lynn Mendoza, Nancy Butcher, Annette Walker Please click the following [...]

Incorporating Patient Partners in Your Event

2022-01-17T14:43:30-08:00January 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

A conference, summit, or workshop is the perfect opportunity to educate and inform a wide audience about the reality of the patient/family experience and the grounding that it brings to the medical community at so many levels. You can bring this new learning to the forefront and have your conference incorporate and promote the much-needed [...]

15 Ways to Disseminate Research

2022-01-17T14:31:02-08:00January 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This infographic breaks down 15 ideas to disseminate information to research participants and stakeholders. These dissemination strategies are categorized according to three types of educational materials, including auditory (e.g., podcasts, presentations, webinars, etc.), visual (e.g., videos, infographics, brochures, etc.), and textual (e.g., plain language summaries, blogs, social media posts, etc.). Authors: Kimberly Wynarczuk, Emily Bremer, Suzi [...]

From Care to Research: Let’s Partner!

2022-01-17T14:14:51-08:00January 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This comic provides an example of the possibility of partnership in care and in research. It shows how research can be useful for decision-making in care and how the involvement of families is important in the development of knowledge. It emphasizes the value of research and the empowerment of families in this partnership. Authors: Sandrine Gagné-Trudel, [...]

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