Cycle III – Implementing and Accelerating

In preparing for the Cycle III renewal application, the Board charged the Chief Scientific Officer to lead a review of the Network’s achievements to identify where KBHN had delivered most effectively on its previous commitments and could provide the most value moving forward. This task involved taking into consideration both achievements to-date and the needs and opportunities in the community. This review included extensive consultations with KBHN’s researchers and partners that validated the shift of the Network’s focus to implementing research discoveries with improved outcomes for children living with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families and the importance of accelerating findings into practice.

To support the shift to implementation, KBHN convened an independent panel of experts in knowledge translation and mobilization, implementation science, and neurodevelopmental disabilities. This independent panel provided recommendations regarding the readiness for implementation of research projects within KBHN’s portfolio. With input from a Strategic Planning Steering Committee, composed of board members, representation from the Research Management Committee, and external advisors, in March 2019, the Board approved eight projects that would become the focus of the Cycle III research program. In the following section, selected achievements of KBHN’s research programs are outlined.